Upon the Obligation Bond Oversight Committee will hear up to because of the time limit it is possible that not every person in the queue have an opportunity to provide remote Public Comment. Remote Public Comment from people who received an accommendation will in the count toward the 20 minute limit. The Public Comment number is 4156550001 access code is access code 2661 388 9782 if you recall asked the password is 1, 2, 34. Please, wait for the item before making a comment on this item. Members of the public may make remote comment. Making remote Public Comment will peek in the order than i are received in the queue as described below. When the mod rirt announced the committee is taking Public Comment. Members can raise hands by pregsz star 3 and you will be queued. Caller it is will hear sill wlens had waiting to speak the operator will unmute you. When pomped, each caller will have 3 minutes. Ensure you near a quiet location. Speak clearly and turn off radios and tvs around you. Rea
Members in person will have an opportunity to provide comment on every item. Upon the Obligation Bond Oversight Committee will hear up to because of the time limit it is possible that not every person in the queue have an opportunity to provide remote Public Comment. Remote Public Comment from people who received an accommendation will in the count toward the 20 minute limit. The Public Comment number is 4156550001 access code is access code 2661 388 9782 if you recall asked the password is 1, 2, 34. Please, wait for the item before making a comment on this item. Members of the public may make remote comment. Making remote Public Comment will peek in the order than i are received in the queue as described below. When the mod rirt announced the committee is taking Public Comment. Members can raise hands by pregsz star 3 and you will be queued. Caller it is will hear sill wlens had waiting to speak the operator will unmute you. When pomped, each caller will have 3 minutes. Ensure you nea
The subcommittee on oversight investigations will now come to order. The chair is authorized to recess the subcommittee at any time. The committees hearing testimony on examining barriers to access at Americas National parks. I asked unanimous consent that all members be allowed to give testimony and participate in the hearing from the dais. I ask that the gentleman from california be allowed to participate in the hearing. I asked that the gentleman from minnesota be allowed to participate in the hearing. And the gentlewoman from virginia be allowed to participate. And that the gentleman from illinois be allowed to sit with the subcommittee. Without objection, so ordered. The hearings are limited to the chairman and ranking minority member. Questions may be part of the hearing record if they are submitted in accordance with the committee rule. So ordered. I recognize myself for my introductory comments. I think Deputy Director reynolds for coming before the committee. We are examining
2014 transportation bond funds. So. One of the central aims of the capitol plan to provide transparency and build voter confident sekey we can be successful at the ballot. Almost every bond measure passed since the plan and in 2006 that represents 6 billion in geo bond funds and 2 billion in the left 2 years. The capitol plan process requires getting support during the planning phase as we right the plan that when a bond get on the ballot we have consensus as a city. The board of sprierdzs approved the capitol plan in may. With an amendment to the geo bond program. They add 150 million in geo bond capacity and this was allocated to affordable and Public Health. 1 future million that housed the affordable pipeline and 10 million for needs at neighborhood clinics and critical repairs needed at laguna honda and sf general the funding for pooredd Affordable Housing was 45 high worry this it is 50 higher than the left plan. This is just a birds eye view of the various Funding Sources we are
Just a little during the morning shelling , nine apartment buildings were damaged, local authorities report this, and these are glazing, balconies are damaged, in addition, the roofs in private estates are cut, there is also damage in the fifteenth city school, six cars were damaged by shell fragments, im getting ready for work, i got up at 5 oclock and then boom, i actually think, well, i hear what it is right here nearby. I think somewhere, somewhere, i was thinking, everything in my kitchen went flying, i came out, i thought, lord, i cant understand anything, i ran when it was already over, and i got hit, though he got hit on the fifth floor in the corner into glass and there was a small hole that flew from there, yes, yes, and even into that under that in that one of those entrances it also flew, thats basically what happened, that s how it is that the entire fourteenth entrance was also damaged. On the power line, but employees of the electric grid Company Quickly arrived on the s