Former Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi, Manish Sisodia, who is facing money laundering charges in connection with the Delhi liquor policy scam, met his ailing wife, Seema, on Wednesday. Confirming their meeting, his wife wrote an emotional note .
After a seven-hour interaction with Sisodia, that was allowed due to Seema's deteriorating health condition, she wrote an emotional message about her experience in the world of politics as a family member
Jailed AAP leader Manish Sisodia's ailing wife Seema Sisodia on Wednesday said she met her husband "after a gap of 103 days" and that the police was stationed outside their bedroom to hear their conversation.
Jailed AAP leader Manish Sisodia’s ailing wife Seema Sisodia on Wednesday said she met her husband “after a gap of 103 days” and that the police was stationed outside their bedroom to hear their conversation.