Im michael okun welcome to the program at least 90 people have been arrested in hong kong in protests against the governments decision to postpone Elections Police fired pepper balls at prodemocracy campaigner protesters are angry that authorities will hold elections to the citys Legislature Next july instead of this sunday authorities have blamed the coronavirus pandemic for the delay antigovernment protesters have been held across since june last year. And correspondent phebe kong joins us now from hong kong by phone phebe hundreds of people are protesting there today against the press boning of the elections what exactly are they worried about. Yeah i have been writing that sos has all i said all afternoon in hong kong today and all this week with her protests so kind of like give me back my clothes and i want to kind of like those guys on the street so today i originally on this is just an election day one of the most important election in a city. Like this and so it acts like a st
Petitioner did not waive his right to appeal his conviction to challenge the constitutionality of the statute which he pled guilty. The question here is whether that right is nonetheless forfeited solely by operation of the play itself. But as the judge summarized the court a defendant who pleads guilty can challenge his conviction on any constitutional ground that if inserted before trial, would forever preclude the state from obtaining a valid conviction against him. The due process clause precludes the government from obtaining a valid conviction against him. It falls well within the scope of the doctrine. The governments main contention is that petitioner was required to preserve his claim through a conditional plea. But as the drafters of rule 11 82 noted in that role, the Supreme Court has held that certain kinds of constitutional objections may be raised after plea of guilty rule 11 a2 is not broadening or narrowing and the doctrine whereas establishing procedures for its applic
The contents of one mangled shipping container have largely been collected by a contractor hired by madsen shipping. Baker beach was clear by early afternoon but a coast guard advisory is still in effect. Basically telling mariners in the area that there may be containers and just to be extra cautious when transiting. Reporter this photo shot on sunday shows the metal container before it got ripped apart by massive waves. Another container was spotted near the pier in pacifica sunday. A city worker says that may have sung, but theres plenty of debris that has since washed ashore. All of the debris is pretty harmless, plastic baking pallets and styrofoam insulation from the walls of the containers themselves. All weve seen are the green plastic bins. Theres no evidence that there is Hazardous Material out there, but we do advise people to be safe on the beach today. Reporter the containers were washed overboard friday night about eight miles off shore. The pilot was transferring back to
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