Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker please. Good afternoon. Thank you for this opportunity to speak with you. My name is peter demeris. Im a volunteer and serve on the board for the st. Francis living room on golden gate avenue in the heart of the tenderloin. St. Francis living room monday through friday provides hot nutritious breakfast, activities and a place to congregate off the streets for the elderly poor of the tenderloin. We serve about 100 clients each day and the numbers keep growing. We are a Secular Organization governed by a board of directors that volunteer, a volunteer board and financial officers. Volunteers serve our clients each and everyday. We have two part time employees that assist us. These employees like those before them are economically disadvantaged individuals who are graduates of the st. Anthonys recovery program. Our annual budget is approximately 100,000 of which only 41,000 is paid in salaries. St. Francis living room is very efficient in the ri
Position im Administrative Assistant case manager. We deal with youth from the age 14 through 17. From there we go to 18 to 24 and from there we go on to 25 to 105. It doesnt matter. If you can work you can work. Were not just district here and there were city wide. We do what we do. I love my job and until you guys can give us the funding i appreciate it if you do. I will continue to volunteer my services because i am needed and i feel important to the people and i am appreciated. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker please. My name is keith. Im one of the volunteers for these people, and i volunteer all the time, everyday, five days a week, and they do a lot of things real good for these people, black, brown, blue, whatever, you know what i am saying . Really you all need to really look into these people and really looking into how the way they work, and a lot of the people need to be around these people man. We try to do a lot of stuff for our community and try to have these
Speaker please. Good afternoon. Thank you for this opportunity to speak with you. My name is peter demeris. Im a volunteer and serve on the board for the st. Francis living room on golden gate avenue in the heart of the tenderloin. St. Francis living room monday through friday provides hot nutritious breakfast, activities and a place to congregate off the streets for the elderly poor of the tenderloin. We serve about 100 clients each day and the numbers keep growing. We are a Secular Organization governed by a board of directors that volunteer, a volunteer board and financial officers. Volunteers serve our clients each and everyday. We have two part time employees that assist us. These employees like those before them are economically disadvantaged individuals who are graduates of the st. Anthonys recovery program. Our annual budget is approximately 100,000 of which only 41,000 is paid in salaries. St. Francis living room is very efficient in the riewses of funds because it focuses on
To spent 2. 5 Million Dollars to fund golf courses that include one in San Mateo County that floods every winter and killing two endangered species in the process . Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker please. Hello i am Harriet Larkin and here from renaissance parents of success and nonprofit in the southeast sector. However we serve all children city wide and by children i mean youth. We also support the families and we were not defunded for our specialized team, social Justice Program or Work Force Development programs that were developed by our children who are black and brown and yellow, and we are asking for their support. By not receiving the support it sends a message to the children who work hard collectively from different communities and different ethnic backgrounds that they dont matter and the focus was actually the right for africanamericans to remain. Every time you go to a meeting that is the focal point of the young people want to address that and its not recognized. The
Level and we occupy and operate the Recording Studio of africanamerican art and culture complex. We could stay up here all day and talk about our list of accomplishments. We are a musicking Programming Program in a safe environment that the africanamerican Cultural Center has provided for the youth. This is a small fraction of us here but i wanted to speak on behalf actually we were requested by the District Attorneys Office to write the theme song and we performed it today on the steps here and we have been operating for the last year on a shoe string budget and any other cuts will disable what were doing anyway. Veronica who is one of our stars, one of the team leaders wants to speak of what we do at the center also. Thank you. Hello i am veronica. I just kind of want to talk about project level as an organization. Its not only just music. Its a family base where somewhere you feel comfortable where youre out of the difficults that our teenagers and young people are going through, an