Are we grade. Good evening, everyone. I treasurer of the Supreme Court Historical Society. This room with some frequency but im usually faced in that direction sot pace to be looking out there. I am a please turn off all cell phones, tabls, x apple watches even if they are in silent mode they can cause interferencesound system r assistance. This has been a long time coming. B 1991 with Justice Kennedy talking about thelant ae privilege of doing it again to e marshalls 50th anniversary on the court, so its fitting that we are here■ again after the pandemic. Its nice to be back in the courtroom for the 70 at the White House Historical association into the u. S. Capital society and we appreciate very much our partnership in that ever. Id like to express the societies gratitude th evening tous first event we had the privilege of having her pa with the society and shes doing double duty tonight. First she will be a host and also participant. Speaks, she wl join in conversation■n discuss
We are doing our part so its a little easier to do yours. Discussing the Civil Rights Movement on an event marking the 70th anniversary of the brown v board of education decision. The discussion was hosted by Supreme Court Historical Society as a part of their National Heritage lecture series. It runs about an hour. Are we good . Grade. Good evening, everyone. Im the treasurer of the Supreme Court Historical Society. I actually stayed in this room with some frequency but im usually faced in that direction so its a nice change of pace to be looking out there. I am asked to remind everyone please turn off all cell phones, tablets, apple watches even if they are in silent mode they can cause interference with the sound system so appreciate your assistance. This has been a long time coming. We began in 1991 with Justice Kennedy talking about the Court Packing plant and then the privilege of doing it again in 2018 to celebrate justice marshalls 50th anniversary on the court, so its fitting
Are we good . Grade. Good evening, everyone. Im the treasurer of the Supreme Court Historical Society. I actually stayed in this room with some frequency but im usually faced in that direction so its a nice change of pace to be looking out there. I am asked to remind everyone please turn off all cell phones, tablets, apple watches even if they are in silent mode they can cause interference with the sound system so appreciate your assistance. This has been a long time coming. We began in 1991 with Justice Kennedy talking about the Court Packing plant and then the privilege of doing it again in 2018 to celebrate justice marshalls 50th anniversary on the court, so its fitting that we are here once again after the pandemic. Its nice to be back in the courtroom for the 70th anniversary. At the White House Historical association into the u. S. Capital society and we appreciate very much our partnership in that end ever. Id like to express the societies gratitude this evening to Justice Ketan
Good morning. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I want to welcome you back to the regularly scheduled budget and finance Committee Meeting. Im Supervisor Malia Cohen and to my right is supervisor chang and our vice chair yee will not be here and so well take that without objection. Thank you. Okay, moving on i want to recognize also sfgovtv, the assist with the broadcast and recognize the clerk of the board today is miss linda clark. Any announcements . Clerk please silence all cellphones and devices. And files should be submitted to the clerk. I think that i said linda clark and i meant that our clerk is miss linda wong. Okay, so first weve got several items on the agenda today and this is the second to last Committee Meeting of the year. And weve got some administrative items that well take care of today and first id like to call item 13, and item 13 out of order. And the sponsor is supervisor, and please call item 13. Clerk to establish the tenant assistant fund for housing. Super
And finance Committee Meeting. Im Supervisor Malia Cohen and to my right is supervisor chang and our vice chair yee will not be here and so well take that without objection. Thank you. Okay, moving on i want to recognize also sfgovtv, the assist with the broadcast and recognize the clerk of the board today is miss linda clark. Any announcements . Clerk please silence all cellphones and devices. And files should be submitted to the clerk. I think that i said linda clark and i meant that our clerk is miss linda wong. Okay, so first weve got several items on the agenda today and this is the second to last Committee Meeting of the year. And weve got some administrative items that well take care of today and first id like to call item 13, and item 13 out of order. And the sponsor is supervisor, and please call item 13. Clerk to establish the tenant assistant fund for housing. Supervisor cohen thank you very much. So the clerk, along with the sponsor, has identified that this item needs to b