The Karnataka High Court has made it clear that it is only the husband or wife who marries for the second time during the subsistence of an earlier marriage and the life time of the earlier spouse,.
Many such orders are passed in cases involving sexual relationships, not just of same-sex couples, but also in cases of married and unmarried heterosexual couples.
The Delhi High Court recently observed that absence of a law making adultery an offence does not provide people blanket immunity from marrying other persons during the subsistence of first marriage.
The Punjab and Haryana High Court recently observed that a person living in “a lustful and adulterous” life without obtaining a divorce from an earlier spouse may be held liable for the offence of bigamy.
The Allahabad High Court recently ruled that Saptapadi (saat phere) is an essential requirement for solemnization of a valid marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.