In 2023, Wiscasset and other towns dealt with how to get and keep workers, improve residents’ and businesses’ internet access and, in Wiscasset’s case, how to protect the wastewater treatment plant from the rising water of climate change.
After Alna selectmen opened two bids March 8 for alewife harvesting, one bidder, the town’s longtime contractor David Sutter, brought up the pandemic and said he “only assumed the town would honor that period of time for me.” First Selectman Ed.
Two of Alna’s three selectboard seats will be on the ballot in March and neither incumbent is running. In separate email responses to questions, Third Selectman Charles Culbertson and Second Selectman Linda Kristan reflected on their time on the.
Alna’s project to replace a 1955 bridge at Ben Brook on Egypt Road is getting $570,000 from the Omnibus bill President Joseph Biden signed this month, First Selectman Ed Pentaleri announced Jan. 11. He said the award follows other efforts in which.
From sewer needs, would-be waterfront and Whites Island projects, the ash ponds cleanup, Wawenock block repairs and Optimus Senior Housing, to the first James Weldon Johnson Day, Wiscasset rallying for a teacher’s child who had a stroke, the airport.