Proposed Occupational Safety and Health Administration changes would increase requirements for training, equipment and more, and cost Alna more for firefighting, Fire Chief Mike Trask told selectmen April 25. He said the changes could decimate.
In 2023, Wiscasset and other towns dealt with how to get and keep workers, improve residents’ and businesses’ internet access and, in Wiscasset’s case, how to protect the wastewater treatment plant from the rising water of climate change.
Alna selectmen came out of an executive session Oct. 5 and announced they would like to have the town attorney “engage in further settlement discussions of the town’s enforcement action against (Jeff) Spinney, with Mr. Spinney’s attorney between now.
The rocky walk-in to Pinkham Pond remained an issue at the close of Alna selectmen’s Sept. 21 meeting after partly contentious talks continued among selectmen and between selectmen and the public. Second Selectman Steve Graham and Third Selectman.
Sept. 7, the rocks at a walk-in area to Pinkham Pond were called jagged, dangerous, a mistake and not what pond-goers wanted. Alna selectmen and fellow residents talked more about them and the board moved closer to action. First Selectman Ed.