While pronouncing an order in All India Judges Association v. Union of India, the Supreme Court today (30.11.2023) underscored the importance of ensuring dignified working conditions for judicial.
Citations: 2023 LiveLaw (SC) 996 To 2023 LiveLaw (SC) 1013Nominal IndexPriya Indoria v. State of Karnataka 2023 LiveLaw (SC) 996Vivek Kaisth and another v. The State of Himachal Pradesh 2023 LiveLaw.
The Supreme Court, on November 23, granted the Chief Secretaries of defaulting States and Union Territories, including Nagaland, the “last opportunity” to clear the salary and arrears as well as revised pension and arrears of lower court judges in accorda
New Delhi, Nov 23: The Supreme Court granted a last opportunity to the defaulting states and Union territories on Thursday to clear the salary arrears and other dues of lower court judges in accordance with the recommendations of the Second National Judicial Pay Commission (SNJPC). The SNJPC recommendations cover the pay structure, pension and family