It is expected that Sebi will take up at least a dozen agendas including the issue of MSM Reits where one can own a portion of shares of real estate by investing Rs 10 lakh or more. This is to promote more Reits in the market, the report said further. Another issue that may be taken up during the meeting is cyber security.
Sebi said it has also permitted NPOs to disclose past social impact report in the fundraising document as per their existing practice subject to disclosure of key parameters such as number of beneficiaries, cost per beneficiary and administrative overhead.
A removal of penalty has also been approved on large cap companies which are not able to raise a certain percentage of incremental borrowing from the debt market
The move is aimed at facilitating transparency in price discovery of non-convertible debt securities, providing better disclosures to investors and the market, and avoiding ISIN-level confusion and possible mis-selling of unlisted bonds
In December 2022, the market regulator announced that it has initiated an internal study to re-look at the expenses that fund houses charge unitholders.