Proptech platforms such as YOURS, ALYF, hBits, and WiseX are helping investors in having fractional ownership of primarily office and luxury holiday homes assets. Real estate consultants like Square Yards and 360 Realtors have also entered into this space. On Saturday, the Sebi board approved amendments to REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts) Regulations, 2014 in order to create a regulatory framework for the facilitation of Small and Medium REITs (SM REITs), with an asset value of at least Rs 50 crore vis-a-vis minimum asset value of Rs 500 crore for existing REITs.
The regulatory framework approved by the board for SM REITs provides for the structure, migration of existing structures meeting certain specified criteria, obligations of the investment manager including net worth, experience and minimum unit holding requirement, investment conditions, minimum subscription, distribution norms and valuation of assets.