The B-2 bomber produced one of the best stealth weapons of all time. And yet, the program called for 75 bombers total, not the 20 we have today. The fall of the Soviet Union saw the numbers needed drop dramatically: Since its inception in 1947, the U.S. Air Force has been deeply invested in operating long-range strategic […]
Many defense writers have lamented the small number of B-2s procured. However, the B-2 cut was a ‘bet’ on a lack of great-power confrontation the Pentagon is probably thankful for today
This post is part of a series looking back at the top naval stories from 2021. Naval operations this year once again saw the United States Navy balancing presence in multiple theaters, as the U.S. withdrew from the war in Afghanistan and continued emphasizing the Indo-Pacific region. In addition to a U.S. presence in the […]