problem? some of it. there s gotta be a big introduction to the way we deliver medicine to patients. every industry is at an s curve where you ve gotten the delivery of service to be better at a lower price. data transmission on your phone, airlines, you pick the industry. once you do you regulate the industry a little bit, you can deliver the services more cheaply. another thing that has never been focused on is the supply side of. we ve got to figure out way to empower people that want to go into medicine. so that we can match the 40 million people that are on the plan with more doctors, sea sean. sean: very comprehensive. free-market solutions will result in better care, lower prices. absolutely. hasn t that happened throughout 5,000 years of capitalism? think about what happened during the reagan administration. over 32 years later, we ve got
0 disconnect. great word, thank you for joining us tonight, i am bill o reilly, please always remember that the spin stops here, so we are definitely looking out for yo you. and welcome to hannity, remember, it was former white house chief of staff, rahm emanuel, who once said you should never let a serious crisis go to waste. it appears that a number of top democrats in washington are taking his advice and choosing to play politics in the way of yesterday s shooting. including the mayor of columbia who went on tv last night and actually blamed the sequester for the tragedy, take a look at this. for example, as i look at sequestration, and skimping money, money that would be available to projects like this and then we put people at risk. you know, obviously, 12 people have paid the ultimate price for whatever you know, whatever we ve done to have his hand on the base. the mayor was not alone, he was merely following the lead of president obama, before yesterday and the manhunt fo
0 constitution, i m sure you, shawn, would be all over the president. and everybody would, that is just not american. anything like republican obstructionism, and the nra with all of their big money, shutting people up, intimidating people, having recalls like they did in colorado where people can t get reasonable steps to protect themselves. if people disagree with you it is because they are bought off and been pressured. not that they can have a legitimate disagreement with you. jay carney said the president was going to take executive action. but tonight in an interview, the president said i have no more executive action than i could take. you may want him to take executive action, but he had to come to his limits as president, and rely on the people. their representatives will make a decision on this based on their informed opinion, not on the basis of supposed pressure. let me talk about the nra s money juan, last question, there are real solutions about being able to fi
president karen hughes and steve hadley. want to thank you all for being with us tonight. [ applause ] sean: i m sure your boss is happy to see you as well. first of all, you have become a little like a rock star. you start your book tour you have people sleeping overnight outside a bookstore in dallas and thousands and thousands of people. i signed about 2400 books and i couldn t thank people enough for showing an interest. and i appreciate it. my objective is to explain what it was like to be the president of in great country. i fully understand some people agree with the decisions i made. some didn t. nevertheless, if they read the book they will have a sense of why. i ve read a lot of history, prior to the presidency and during the presidency. i realize it takes time for the true history of any administration to show up. there s no need to try to shape it. i ve tried to explain my view of history. at least the eight years in which i was in the white house. it eventual
you didn t think coming in you would sign an agreement. you said it might take 3 to 5 meetings but you were open to going as slow or fast as he wanted. we got along better than i ever assumed. we got a lot more done today than i ever thought possible. he is going back. he wants to get it done. you hear the whole thing about his father and other administrations or his grandfather. he brings that up. but they were not dealing with me. they were dealing with different people. sea sean: did he talk about the difference between past administrations and yours? yes, i don t want to say. that i am sure he will say it. they were never this close. never to this point. sean: is there a history lesson to learn here? we could talk about past administrations. reagan evil empire.