Actively denounced the u. S. For what it calls the illegal trespass of a warship off the shisha islands it doesnt stop there though china is now putting the United States on notice that its willing and capable to defend itself and then suggested that the United States should put aside its quote cold war mentality and take time instead to test and quarantine its sailors from further spread of covert 19 those are chinas words now this is a further escalation of the South China Seas controversy so let me help you visualize this ok lets do this lets go over to the map i want to show you 1st of all lets start by explaining where this ashish island is because most people look at this and theyre starting to wonder were talking about its right over here is part of the paris cell island by the way hes islands are tiny so its not like we could even show them on the map of we wanted to this ones off the coast of vietnam little furry. Theyre southeast of the Spratly Islands so these are the paraso
Actively denounced the u. S. For what it calls the illegal trespass of a warship off the she shot islands it doesnt stop there though china is now putting the United States on notice that its willing and capable to defend itself and then suggested that the United States should put aside its quote cold war mentality and take time instead to test and quarantine its sailors from further spread of covert 19 those are chinas words now this is a further escalation of the South China Seas controversy so let me help you visualize this ok lets do this lets go over to the map i want to show you 1st of all lets start by explaining where theres a shisha island is because most people look at this and theyre starting to wonder were talking about its right over here is part of a pair of cell islands by the way hes islands are tiny so its not like we could even show them on the map of we wanted to this ones off the coast of vietnam. A little further south these are the Spratly Islands and these are th
Actively denounced the u. S. For what it calls the illegal trespass of a warship off the she shot islands it doesnt stop there though china is now putting the United States on notice that its willing and capable to defend itself and then suggested that the United States should put aside its quote cold war mentality and take time instead to test and quarantine and sailors from further spread of covert 19 those are chinas words now this is a further escalation of the South China Seas controversy so let me help you visualize this ok lets do this lets go over to the map were going to show you 1st of all lets start by explaining where this is she shot island is because most people look at this and theyre starting to wonder where were talking about its right over here is part of the paris cell island by the way hes islands are tiny so its not like we could even show them on the map of we wanted to use ones off the coast of vietnam. Little further south these are the Spratly Islands and these
Actively denounced the u. S. For what it calls the illegal trespass of a warship off the she shot islands it doesnt stop there though china is now putting the United States on notice that its willing and capable to defend itself and then suggested that the United States should put aside its quote cold war mentality and take time instead to test and quarantine and sailors from further spread of covert 19 those are chinas words now this is a further escalation of the South China Seas controversy so let me help you visualize this ok lets do this lets go over to the map were going to show you 1st of all lets start by explaining where this ashish island is because most people look at this and theyre starting to wonder were talking about its right over here is one of the pair of cell islands by the way hes islands are tiny so its not like we could even show them on the map of we wanted to this ones off the coast of vietnam little further south you. These are the Spratly Islands of the paraso
For what it calls the illegal trespass of a warship off the sheesh islands it doesnt stop there though china is now putting the United States on notice that its willing and capable to defend itself and then suggested that the United States should put aside its quote cold war mentality and take time instead to test and quarantine its sailors from further spread of covert 19 those are chinas words now this is a further escalation of the South China Seas controversy so let me help you visualize this ok lets do this lets go over to the map i want to show you 1st of all lets start by explaining where theres a shisha island is because most people look at this and theyre starting to wonder were talking about its right over here this is part of a pair of cell islands by the way hes islands are tiny so its not like we could even show them on the map of we wanted to this ones off the coast of vietnam little further south these are the Spratly Islands so these are the parasol islands into this br