SCV Water has released the draft Water Shortage Contingency Plan and Ordinance for public review and comment as part of its efforts to ensure adequate long-term water quality and supplies. The 30-day public comment period will be from March 12 to April 12.
The draft plan and ordinance are available online at:
The Water Shortage Contingency Plan is a requirement of the California Urban Water Management Planning Act and other applicable laws.
This plan will help SCV Water prioritize actions when water shortage conditions occur such as a result of drought, earthquakes, fires or other catastrophic events. Important components of the plan focus on water conservation and water shortage planning.
Los Angeles County has met the metric to move into the red tier, prompting additional reopenings that include movie theaters and indoor dining at restaurants, and the path being cleared for the return to campus for seventh- to 12th-grade students, all of which goes into effect Monday.
Food fills our stomachs and our emotions. It satisfies our cravings, warms our souls and makes us feel safe. Food is the subject of the city’s mouth-watering new art exhibit titled “Creative Comforts” which will be available for viewing from March 15 through May 14.
In conjunction with the Santa Clarita Library’s One Story One City Program, this exhibit parallels the 2021 book choice, “Eat Joy: Stories and Comfort Food from 31 Celebrated Writers.”
This delicious exhibition of comfort food-themed artwork will be available for viewing at the First Floor Gallery in City Hall, and virtually.
The exhibit will feature artwork from 25 artists, showcasing their favorite comfort food such as hamburgers, mac and cheese, cornbread, grandma’s peanut butter cookies and more.
This past year has provided CalArts with the opportunity to reimagine recruiting in higher education. With that in mind, the Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design (AICAD) will host CalArts’ first Art and Design Virtual Career Fair on Friday, April 16, from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
This event will allow you to connect with emerging artists and designers from 21 schools across the country. Participants will include graduates of BFA and MFA programs from the classes of 2020, 2021, and 2022 (juniors, seniors, graduate students and recent grads). These candidates will bring skills from various disciplines including (but not limited to) graphic design, illustration, animation, comics, advertising, photography, fashion, product design, fine arts, interior design, film, ux design, and game design.