he never recommending sistered as he should have. it s a slimy proposition. but i come back to the russian related company. interests no obvious corporate reason why they want to know what s going on. i mean, do you guys do you not think it s at least suspicious do you think it s suspicious, $507 oh that went to cohen do you think that s suspicious. i absolutely do david. i do. and i think they wasted their money because they got nothing from team trump. do we know that. it s not just corporations the reason i know is because the way donald trump has publicly taken on putin and russia appearen also it s not just corporations let not be negative. it s not just american korgss trying to buy access it s the world. global global countries try to buy access. i know this because some of them came to me okay and i said no. it s scummy i don t want to partake in that. you also think it s scummy. that s good. apparently cohen said yes come on in. but i think foreign lobbying a
do we know that. it s not just corporations the reason i know is because the way donald trump has publicly taken on putin and russia appearen also it s not just corporations let not be negative. it s not just american korgss trying to buy access it s the world. global global countries try to buy access. i know this because some of them came to me okay and i said no. it s scummy i don t want to partake in that. you also think it s scummy. that s good. apparently cohen said yes come on in. but i think foreign lobbying and foreign money in these sphere of the swamp is a terrible aspect of what washington is at its worst. the point is they can t buy trump. if interests any possibility that a foreign country is trying to influence the united states government you have to register. okay. so it doesn t matter this wasn t actually a foreign company. the fact that they had a relationship with a foreign company and appeared to be trying to influence the government, he should have r
dana: same with clapper and rice. kimberly: by the way, who would have access to that information and then yes, the president could have been caught up in it. going well into 2017. again, it puts the president and a compromising position. dana: i think paul manafort is staring down the barrel of the gun.n. the o.j. of the fbi. i m there to flip into has to make a lot of people very concerned because it s not that he was calling president trump after the election even. now you actually have who else? all of these people being called into talk to the grand jury and investigators who know that they could possibly be on tape. i don t necessarily blame president trump. i think paul manafort made a terrible decision and put the president and a bad spot. kennedy: take responsibility for your campaign and the people you hire. have a better vetting process because if you ve got someone who is so filthy and scummy that they are talking to foreign governments and they are going to entra
that s another problem. by the way, who would have access to that information and then yes, the president could have been caught up in it. going well into 2017. again, it puts the president and a compromising position. dana: i think paul manafort is staring down the barrel of the gun. the o.j. of the fbi. i m there to flip into has to make a lot of people very concerned because it s not that he was calling president trump after the election even. now you actually have who else? all of these people being called into talk to the grand jury and investigators who know that they could possibly be on tape. i don t necessarily blame president trump. i think paul manafort made a terrible decision and put the president and a bad spot. kennedy: take responsibility for your campaign in the people you hire. have a better vetting process because if you ve got someone who is so filthy and scummy that they are talking to foreign
is staring down the barrel of the gun. the o.j. of the fbi. i m there to flip into has to make a lot of people very concerned because it s not that he was calling president trump after the election even. now you actually have who else? all of these people being called into talk to the grand jury and investigators who know that they could possibly be on tape. i don t necessarily blame president trump. i think paul manafort made a terrible decision and put the president and a bad spot. kennedy: take responsibility for your campaign in the people you hire. have a better vetting process because if you ve got someone who is so filthy and scummy that they are talking to foreign governments and they are going to entrap you and ensnare you in their deals and potential future legal problems, you have to make sure you ve got a clean slate. kimberly: not so much on collusion but financial crimes. juan: just before we go, let me say to jesse this does not vindicate the president for sayi