it was in the article that obama had ordered the curtains, so the story was framed in a certain way that was misleading as if it was nikki haley s choice. somebody had read the story and still put that headline. it s pretty scummy what they did. they knew what they were doing was wrong and the only reason why the change that is because there are people who scream media bias. media bias may come off as weak as times, but someone has to say it because nobody will get caught at it. i think there is some obvious stuff like this. there are times where conservatives don t try to make great arguments that they could make and hide behind media bias. katie, not only did the obama administration pay for these curtains, the new york times i was going to say! they said in the audio, i can t believe the trump state department because it s quoted on the record planning the trump administrations cutting the
there when the flag covered the coffins of men we were burying. this disingenuous idea that this is just colin kaepernick is just trying to make a statement, baloney. he is targeting us. he knows what this means to us. he knows how insulting it is. he knows how disrespectful it is and nike is empowering it. i don t buy it. this is scummy, this is lousy. this is rotten and i m never buying another nike product again and i think millions of americans are going to agree. ed: on the other and i was at the new york open tennis in new york and colin kaepernick happen to be there in a crowd. he was announced to the crowd and he got a standing ovation. i saw it happen. he does have fans out there, dave. thanks for your service, my brother deployed later this month and my dad served 21 years. i m a proud military brat. i take a different view on this, respectfully. i get this is a tough issue but for me the flag is a symbol and the flag is something that is
i didn t really know. whereas if you have enough ostrich jackets and the jurors say i remember the ostrich jacket, wouldn t you remember it, it clears that hurdle to some degree. barbara, could you speak to the mueller s team, the theory of the case from the mueller team that they want to give more than one reason why manafort acted this way. today in the spotlight, the reason was he was desperate, he was broke, and he made these decisions. but they ve also separately made the arguments by suggestions and in writtenfyings that he was greedy, to use a more proverbial word, scummy. why do you think they re using more than one theory of why he would allegedly commit these crimes? i think they need to establish theories for both sets of counts in this case. there s a set of counts that relates to the filing of false income tax returns. for that part the purpose is showing his knowledge of the income. and then there is a series of
written filings that he was greedy. to use a more proverbial word, scummy. why do you think they re using more than one theory of why he would allegedly commit these crimes? i think they need on establish theories for both sets of counts in this case. there is a seventh counts that relates to the filing of false income tax returns. for that part the purpose is showing his knowledge of the income. and them there is a series of charges related to bank fraud. with regard to those charges, they need to show the motive that he was running out of cash. so that s why he was involved with this money. so there are two different motives. two different theories for the two different sets of cases. the legal standard under the rules of evidence is the evidence should be permissible unless it is substantially more prejudicial than it is probative. because it is probative, these the things he himself brought, it is hard to argue that it is stlangs more prejudicial than probative. and josh, what
he s been successful doing that. and that predates trump. whatever you think about trey gowdy, he is retiring, he s leaving, he s leaving the congress. he s a very excitable and hot tempered guy, but he s earnest and he wasn t doing this for he s not getting anything from the cameras for doing this. he s got a thing. he thinks that he has been misled. now, louie gohmert who said the thing about the affair, that s scum. that was a scummy, loathsome thing to do. he s a loathsome politician. it s everything you hate about politicians rolled up into one. gowdy is a different story. a lot of democrats don t like him. absolutely he s doing it for the cameras. you don t do what he did today or the 11 hours of grilling hillary clinton on benghazi unless you care about the cameras. right now he has retired from congress, he is not running in 2018, he s not making a campaign commercial. he wants to go and practice law. he s done with washington. it s interesting to sort of