With stephen sackur. Welcome to hardtalk, im stephen sackur. The human preoccupation with sex is nothing new, but the internet has made it so much easier to explore and exploit every shade of desire. The online porn industry makes billions of dollars in profit every year, but the big winners are corporate players, not the women and men performing the sex acts. My guest today is mia khalifa. She was briefly a porn actress, garnering worldwide notoriety when she appeared in a sex video wearing the islamic hijab. After years of threats and insecurity, shes speaking out. What does her story tell us about the porn industry and 21st century culture . Mia khalifa, welcome to hardtalk. Thank you for having me. By many measures, you are a very famous woman. For instance, you have, what, more than 16 million followers on instagram. But the origins of your fame lie in your brief involvement in the porn industry. Is that hard for you to deal with . Absolutely. After i left, i deleted my. Well, i d
Now on bbc news, its hardtalk with stephen sackur. Welcome to hardtalk, im stephen sackur. The human preoccupation with sex is nothing new, but the internet has made it so much easier to explore and exploit every shade of desire. The online porn industry makes billions of dollars in profit every year, but the big winners are corporate players, not the women and men performing the sex acts. My guest today is mia khalifa. She was briefly a porn actress, garnering worldwide notoriety when she appeared in a sex video wearing the islamic hijab. After years of threats and insecurity, shes speaking out. What does her story tell us about the porn industry and 21st century culture . Mia khalifa, welcome to hardtalk. Thank you for having me. By many measures, you are a very famous woman. For instance, you have, what, more than 16 million followers on instagram. But the origins of your fame lie in your brief involvement in the porn industry. Is that hard for you to deal with . Absolutely. After i
You are up to date with the headlines. Now on bbc news, its hardtalk with stephen sackur. Welcome to hardtalk, im stephen sackur. The human preoccupation with sex is nothing new, but the internet has made it so much easier to explore and exploit every shade of desire. The online porn industry makes billions of dollars in profit every year, but the big winners are corporate players, not the women and men performing the sex acts. My guest today is mia khalifa. She was briefly a porn actress, garnering worldwide notoriety when she appeared in a sex video wearing the islamic hijab. After years of threats and insecurity, shes speaking out. What does her story tell us about the porn industry and 21st century culture . Mia khalifa, welcome to hardtalk. Thank you for having me. By many measures, you are a very famous woman. For instance, you have, what, more than 16 million followers on instagram 7 but the origins of your fame lie in your brief involvement in the porn industry. Is that hard fo
Now on bbc news, hardtalk. Welcome to hardtalk, im stephen sackur. The human preoccupation with sex is nothing new, but the internet has made it so much easier to explore and exploit every shade of desire. The online porn industry makes billions of dollars in profit every year, but the big winners are corporate players, not the women and men performing the sex acts. My guest today is mia khalifa. She was briefly a porn actress, garnering worldwide notoriety when she appeared in a sex video wearing the islamic hijab. After years of threats and insecurity, shes speaking out. What does her story tell us about the porn industry and 21st century culture . Mia khalifa, welcome to hardtalk. Thank you for having me. By many measures, you are a very famous woman. For instance, you have, what, more than 16 million followers on instagram. But the origins of your fame lie in your brief involvement in the porn industry. Is that hard for you to deal with . Absolutely. After i left, i deleted my. Wel
Coming up at five is the briefing but right now on bbc news, hardtalk. Welcome to hardtalk, im stephen sackur. The human preoccupation with sex is nothing new, but the internet has made it so much easier to explore and exploit every shade of desire. The online porn industry makes billions of dollars in profit every year, but the big winners are corporate players, not the women and men performing the sex acts. My guest today is mia khalifa. She was briefly a porn actress, garnering worldwide notoriety when she appeared in a sex video wearing the islamic hijab. After years of threats and insecurity, shes speaking out. What does her story tell us about the porn industry and 21st century culture . Mia khalifa, welcome to hardtalk. Thank you for having me. By many measures, you are a very famous woman. For instance, you have, what, more than 16 million followers on instagram. But the origins of your fame lie in your brief involvement in the porn industry. Is that hard for you to deal with .