point and what it tells us about the investigations, ongoing into the former president. tonight with the context the former democrat senator and us district attorney doug jones katy balls the deputy political editor of the spectator and the republican strategist doug heye. hello welcome to the programme. it is unprecedented. never before, at least in the modern age, have federal agents searched the home of a former president. the warrant that was executed on mar a lago yesterday, while donald trump was in new york, would have required close collaboration between the fbi and the secret service guarding him, and no doubt it was signed off by the attorney general, merrick garland. but what were the agents looking for? and why the sudden urgency? what we do know, is that when donald trump left the white house last year, there were thousands of documents still in his possession, some of them classified. the washington post reported, that injanuary, 15 of those boxes were r
this was a search warrant, signed by two seperate branches of government. and there are important things the doj would need to have established with their affidavit. first that there was probable cause a specific crime was committed. that the evidence of that crime was likely to be found at the location and third, they would need to show enough probable cause to convince a federal judge this was the only option. and for a former president that is a very high bar. doug jones, let me start with you. can we speculate how these documents came to be at mara lago? i am presuming he did not walk out of the white house with boxes and boxes of documents. this presumably is the stuff that was left over at mar a lago after months of him working there. we ve got a picture which i m going to put up on screen it of him at a press conference the day the general of iran was
you re being sarcastic. a little sarcastic. i noticed because a little smile started. let s not get too carried away. on mcmaster, what mcmaster basically said is what everybody knows. the president of the united states gets good intelligence that would be useful in trying to move an ally or adversary in the direction of u.s. policy. it comes up all the time. and the white house says the intelligence community we want to use this information with country x. and the intelligence community says sources and methods. and policy folks say screen it for sources and methods but what s the point of collecting the intelligence if we can t divulge it? this comes up all the time. but in this case, donald trump exposed, reportedly, our greatest asset. israel s greatest asset inside isis. did he it without a second thought and the only defense from general mcmaster was basically he s too stupid to know what he did.