But Robertson says she is not going away for good.
“I know I will be back cooking and welcoming you again, but in a different, perhaps more simple way,” she says. “Believe me, I know how lucky I have been in this business. I am more great than grateful especially for your support during this last year.”
Till Rancho’s last night, reservations will be accepted via email at ranchopinot@hotmail.com or phone at 480-367-8030. Any unused gift cards will also be refunded.
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When people started showing up at her restaurant looking for orders they said they’d placed, Carla Wade Logan got angry. “I wasn’t mad at the customers,” the owner of Carly’s Bistro is quick to point out. “I was mad at the delivery platform I never signed up for.”
Logan isn’t alone in her ire at DoorDash, a food delivery service headquartered in San Francisco. Other local restaurateurs are up in arms about what they say are DoorDash’s lousy policies and unprofessional approach to delivering dinner. Food is being delivered late, some say; DoorDash is publishing out-of-date menus; they’re under- and over-charging for entrees. And then there are the drivers who turn up looking for orders that were never placed.
Check Out the Kitchens and Dining Rooms of Our 2021 Reviewed Restaurants
Facebook Friday, March 12, 2021 at 6 a.m. Jackie Mercandetti Photo Cooks shave al pastor pork browned by fire from a vertical spit at Tru Tacos. 1/12 Jackie Mercandetti Photo The dining room at Tru Tacos. 2/12 Chris Malloy