Nicola Sturgeon's thoughtful colleagues in the Scottish National Party in Edinburgh decided to rally round their crisis-hit former leader by ordering her some stems
Data Protection confidentiality and human rights and taking this approach I hope and believe we have resolved the information shooting controversy at the heart of named pension the Supreme Court has finished its hearing into whether Boris Johnson s decision to suspend parliament was a lawful The judges have said they hope to publish their reeling next week summing up his case against the government s large Pernik said the suspension should be left a decision as possible the remedy we seek from the courts is a declaration that the prime minister s advice to her majesty was unlawful and we would respectfully ask the court if you do use enough faith to make such a declaration as soon as possible but the government senior advocate in Scotland Lord King said the court should not be dragged into politics the applicants and the petition those are an advice in the courts into forbidden territory and then to what is essentially a minefield. An ill defined months old at the courts and not with