Article: The Hierarchy of Nine: Celebrating Adrian Korpel s Ascension towards the Centennial - Here is a narrative poem I wrote in honor of my research advisor, Dr. Adrian Korpel, a scientist, inventor and much more broadly, a rationalist and humanist with an enlightened view of the human world. This was written on the occasion of his 90th birthday in 2022. I am posting here in these pages following Dr. Korpel s passing this year (2023) on October 3rd.It has both scientific and Indian imagery. MRC.
There can be a social death too. During tragedies like earthquakes, floods and wars, people vanish and are presumed dead . These missing people might as well be alive and kicking in some faraway place. This further leads us on to the role of the observer as postulated by Quantum Physics. The Schrodinger s Cat is purring somewhere now, one guesses.
(man) dad and i shared a lot of moments. now we re making the most of each one. (avo) ask about namzaric today. okay. schrodinger s cat, a hypothetical cat used to explain things. in the rarified world of quantum mechanics, it is somehow both alive and dead at the same time. it s complicated. but that s schrodinger s cat. there s also the crossword puzzle. a schrodinger crossword puzzle, there are two correct answers for the same clue in the puzzle. whichever answer you pick, it will fit in the puzzle just fine. the puzzles are very rare. new york times has published only ten of them ever including the most recent one this summer. the most famous was on election day in 1996. people were heading out to vote for either bill clinton or bob dole.