The SEC is Poised to Take Climate Action Policy Seriously
What a difference a regime change can make, especially when it comes to climate action.
For one thing, the new presidential administration has embarked upon its climate action plan with an emphasis on jobs and social justice a strategy the Washington Post notes comes years after many U.S. states have already taken a similar approach. The shift in strategy is a welcome break from the 40-year-old “jobs versus the environment” conversation. But even more importantly, a laser-like focus on climate change is about to permeate just about every federal government agency in the U.S.
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With help from Ben Lefebvre, Annie Snider, Eric Wolff and Anthony Adragna
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Washington D.C., Feb. 1, 2021
The Securities and Exchange Commission announced today that Satyam Khanna will serve as Senior Policy Advisor for Climate and ESG in the office of Acting Chair Allison Herren Lee. In this new role, Mr. Khanna will advise the agency on environmental, social, and governance matters and advance related new initiatives across its offices and divisions.
“I am thrilled that Satyam is returning to the SEC to oversee and coordinate the agency’s efforts related to climate risk and other ESG developments, issues of great significance to investors and the capital markets,” Acting Chair Allison Herren Lee stated. “Having a dedicated advisor on these issues will allow us to look broadly at how they intersect with our regulatory framework across our offices and divisions. Satyam’s experience, insight, and resourcefulness will help ensure our efforts in this space are thoughtful and effective.”
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HERE’S THE GREEN DEAL Today was Climate Day in the Biden White House. The unmistakable message was that every day will be Climate Day in the Biden White House.
With a flurry of sweeping executive orders, lofty presidential rhetoric and written promises to “Take a Whole-of-Government Approach to the Climate Crisis,” President Joe Biden and his green advisers made it clear they plan to weave climate policy into foreign policy, domestic policy and everything else their administration does. Biden set ambitious campaign goals of a carbon-free electric sector by 2035 and a carbon-neutral nation by 2050. Now t