Spend any time watching the news and you re sure to see a spiritual truth in action welcome to through the Bible what can we learn from the news well the same principle that will take away from our study and 1st chronicles this week and that is we re at war that s right what s happening in flesh and blood is just a reflection of the spiritual battle that s raging in our souls today our teacher Dr J. Vernon McGee will walk us through the battles that David found in 1st Chronicles chapters 18 and 19 and speaking of war not all the news out of war torn north Africa is bad here s an update from a brother from Algeria who listens to T.T.P. In the cup by a language now Kabbalah spoken by the Berber people and they live in nations that are 95 to 100 percent Muslim and yet the Gospel is reaching them through radio and people are being introduced to a loving guy the only one who can save them here s the update hello friends of God the Father let me tell you all that God has done great things
Campaign against upcoming u.s. Senate elections ever spelled out a report by the cyber security firm Trend Micro and it says the same Russian aligned hackers who got into the Democratic party servers in laying the groundwork for a spy campaign against the Us Senate Jackie quick reports British man temporarily lost his ability to speak and had been hospitalized after he tried to stifle a very strong sneeze doctors are telling people if you have to sneeze let it rip They say that pressure is about 150 miles an hour so you can do damage holding it in like rupturing along or your throat which is what happened to a 34 year old man in England experts say the whole point of sneezing is to get something out of your body including viruses and bacteria so it s best to grab a tissue and sneeze then as Correspondent Jackie Quinn more details that answer a News dot com Thanks to high performance lawn care of Grand Junction a business partner underwriting the daily expenses of k j o l. You re liste
They talked to a young couple who want to have a child should they pay off their debt 1st right now it s time for Charles Stanley furnished by in touch ministries on k j l well. I don t know the anything that better encourages me in my hopes than to be able to talk to the Lord about it because you re talking to the one who can make you hopeful reality you talking the one who has the power and the wisdom to know how has the power to make a reality in your life the thing that you re hoping for don t give up your hopes but bring them to the Lord to talk to him about. If you ever read the Old Testament and wondered how those stories have anything to do with life 2080 if so you ll want to listen closely to today s in touch with Dr Charles Stanley program he begins a series of messages from the books of 1st and 2nd Samuel but can help you develop a heart for God that will impact you and those around Here s Dr Stan. Hope is the desire for something good in the expectation that you now will r
They were 11th only for tickets and information go to alien intrusion dot com The truth will surprise. Underlining. This is the. Service of Salem media. Without foreign news I m Gordon Griffin officials say a 30 year old father who had been missing after mudslides cascaded through Mont to seeto earlier this week as been identified as one of the dead the role that drug makers and drug distributors have played in contributing to the nation s deadly opioid epidemic now front and center in a federal courtroom in Cleveland the lawsuits against drug makers come from cities and counties all over the country that have been consolidated into what is known as multi-day strict litigation they accuse the pharmaceutical companies of using deceptive marketing to push the sale of opioids and targeted painkillers most of the more than $63000.00 overdose deaths in the u.s. And 2016 involved prescription opioids besides this consolidated lawsuit other government bodies including at least 10 states are
Baelish jazzer had a wild feast in the party he began to mock the God of heaven and he used these holy vessels to praise the gods of silver and gold and wood and stone and clay and as a result of that these handwriting appeared on the wall and it pronounced the judgment on Babel and they didn t know what the handwriting meant so they brought in Daniel and Daniel then interpreted it meaning meaning the people you Forrest and you are weighed in the balances and found one thing in your kingdom is now divided and given to the meads in the Persians matter of fact that very night the meads in the Persians were diverting Euphrates River where it went under the walls of Babylon and the kingdom of Babel and fell all of the cover of the government officials in the cabinet that had served Velshi as a wreck Secu did with one exception that old patriarch and prophet named Daniel he was spared because he had an excellent spirit in him a matter of fact he became one of the private advisors for King