The end of. Each year. Plan. You are listening to the melodies of prayer brought to you by praying friends on K G C A L B 106.9 F.M. To Mongo om USA. Melodies of prayer dot com wishing you God s richest blessings may his hand guide you on your journey today and may his face shine on you and give you peace. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah yeah. For today and warm Christian Greetings melodies off prayer is now heard on both. F. And one of 6.9 and on F. Am one of 7.9 via translator case 300. I got Santa Rita. And it is of prayer for your journey brought to you prayerfully with Knox from praying friends in the USA told load. Was the. 2 spirits power. Be hoed I sand the promise off my father upon you by Terry ye in this city of Jerusalem and I m sure you d be endured raids power from on high. Luke 24 verse 49. Christ visible presence was about to be written drawn from the disciples but a new endowment off power ice to be their. Holy Spirit to be given them in its fullness saving them for their work. In
Baelish jazzer had a wild feast in the party he began to mock the God of heaven and he used these holy vessels to praise the gods of silver and gold and wood and stone and clay and as a result of that these handwriting appeared on the wall and it pronounced the judgment on Babel and they didn t know what the handwriting meant so they brought in Daniel and Daniel then interpreted it meaning meaning the people you Forrest and you are weighed in the balances and found one thing in your kingdom is now divided and given to the meads in the Persians matter of fact that very night the meads in the Persians were diverting Euphrates River where it went under the walls of Babylon and the kingdom of Babel and fell all of the cover of the government officials in the cabinet that had served Velshi as a wreck Secu did with one exception that old patriarch and prophet named Daniel he was spared because he had an excellent spirit in him a matter of fact he became one of the private advisors for King
Researchers in New York recently studied 55 wheelchair bound individuals for over 2 years to see the effect of train service dogs on their independent functioning psychologically all participants showed substantial improvement in self-esteem and personal well being within 6 months after receiving their dogs socially all participants showed similar improvements and community integration demographically all participants showed increases in school attendance and part time employment train service dogs can be highly effective in helping people with physical disabilities in independent living today s program is made possible by a grant from Morningstar Farms for a free health plan or call 180-7900 life that s one 879000 life. The following is a paid presentation by amazing back to work for it. Coming up next on amazing thanks presents the great commandment is to love the Lord and love your neighbor as yourself you know it s a great command that includes everybody. For over 40 years amazing
back when you finally do see them and you realize how small and ordinary they are I think in our minds too often we connect significance with size and when we see the God of get 70 in our minds It s large but when you see it in real life it is not as large as you imagine and you can understand when you see it for yourself how Peter James and John Magaw could see Jesus prostrate form because it s not a large God you could understand how they could hear his voice pleading with his father they weren t far away all his life Jesus was able to handle rejection it was painful but he could handle it Jesus knew that to be despised and rejected by mere mortals though painful should never be allowed to become a game changer in your life. After all they re only human beings and there s only so much that a human being can do for you here me when I say never let the rejection of others define you. They don t control your opportunities or your destiny God alone knows when people reject choose you o
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