manafort says he s bankrupt in 2016. now, the thing is, gates was sayi gates admitted to a lot of lying. cheated manafort out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. that was an incredible admission. he admitted to lying to his own accountant. he s an admitted liar. does this help manafort s argument that gates was the mastermind, even though, of course, manafort s landscaper and ostrich coat provider and mercedes benz dealer said that he did it all himself? well, you know, it s going to come down to not just what gates says but all the other evidence admitted in the trial. whether that s through other witnesses, the other accountant who testified last week, the documents, the digital evidence, all the types of evidence that has been assembled and the prosecutors have put on. gates testimony is in addition to that. but from my perspective he is incentiveized to tell the truth
avery and brendan dassey said he s undaunted. are you afraid of kathleen? no, i m not involved in the case anymore. i shouldn t be afraid of anything. my involvement she could she could unravel your work if what she s sayi has some weight to it. you don t think she has a chance. i don t. if she s so confident, why are you so confident zm. we spent 18 months putting this case together. this wasn t just thrown together. it wasn t a bunch of keystone cops, it was done very professionally and very well. kratz does have personal regrets. in his book he admits to past prescription drug abuse and says he s ashamed he sent sexually suggestive texts to a domestic violence victim two years after the trial, a scandal which led to his resignation. he still takes issue with making a murderer he s moving on with his life and new girlfriend. i m hoping this book will
u.s. south korea alliance. in which he is saying that the north korea nuclear threat no longer exists that is going to undermine sanctions. that is what the president is sayi. this is a huge lie one-sided outcome in which north korea is getting everything it wanted and the united states is getting pretty much nothing. do you think this has legitimized the north korean regime in the way kim jong-un father and grandfather never able to achieve? absolutely. kim jong-un was able to achieve something that his father and grandfather had sought. he got to sit down with the most powerful man in the world. gave him prestige, legitimacy, and in turn we got north korea working towards denuclearization
who knew in high school, right, a li skill. here s the point, they re pursuing the nixon playbook. we re all looking at it and sayi why would you do that? the reason is because it s not republs in the congress, it s republicans in the senate. they have concluded they are going to drag this thing out, kick and scream, run the clock. what they re doing in the meantime is maintaining the political base of support to say it s politics. then the nixon playbook is you migh impeac in the house because they think they re going to lose it to us this fall but they can hold one-third of the senate and then they win. that is the difference between now and 1974. because then their own republicans had some shame and they said it s wro what the president s doing and we re going toimpeach you, sir, you have to resign. they don t think that s going to happen this time. they might be right. that s what s terrifying. that s why they float these outrace sou