manafort says he's bankrupt in 2016. now, the thing is, gates was sayi -- gates admitted to a lot of lying. cheated manafort out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. that was an incredible admission. he admitted to lying to his own accountant. he's an admitted liar. does this help manafort's argument that gates was the mastermind, even though, of course, manafort's landscaper and ostrich coat provider and mercedes benz dealer said that he did it all himself? >> well, you know, it's going to come down to not just what gates says but all the other evidence admitted in the trial. whether that's through other witnesses, the other accountant who testified last week, the documents, the digital evidence, all the types of evidence that has been assembled and the prosecutors have put on. gates' testimony is in addition to that. but from my perspective he is incentiveized to tell the truth