on this issue. i first w want to say that the jewish community is incredibly grateful togr the fbi and to the texas swat team for endingor this hostage situation withouten any innocents dead. but i willtt sayi that i m eqy troubled by the cover up that is happening right now as to the truth of the matter because the truth is an inconvenient one and that ismm that the jewish community is a minority community that has been targeted with violence and that hatred is systemic and on the rise and that islamist terrorism, not islamophobia but islamic terrorism remains a very real threat to the national security of this country. and the reason why the fbi and the mainstream media nowis that are taking advantage of this very poorly worded statement is engaging in these,e you know, mental acrobatics to deny the truth is because we have been victimized by aed
today incdilung these imasge omfr mii.am esprident benid acknowlgiedng the governntme s pdeanmic sponse icls early noent ough, and sayi,ng weav he moreor wk do. e pandem aiclso impainctg lihoyda travel, as mliilonsea hd home. at least 1,100or me flights canceled today. remo than 004,0 scein chrisastm eve. the aiinrles blaming weather and covid-reladte crew shorgetas. neyow rk city noanuncing ferew oppeleil wl be aowlled to gheatr in times squear on new arye s eve. dr. anthony fauci wniarng againscet lebratining large groups. dhe t concern for children tonight. the naonti s hospilsta reporting an 80% irencase in pedtriaic covid admission isn the past four weeks. dr. jhata snding by with his ke in a mome.nt and what he s sinayg about tseho wne cdc guidineles. t first, abc s mcuars moore leadin ugs off he iren new york. repteorr: tonig, htthe cdc chgianng guidae ncfor all americs anwho get feinctedit wh e thcoronavirus t buare ymasptomatic. recoenmmding theisy olate for ve days stinea
okay we, will dress it ourselves. and republicans block that to. so it s extremely irresponsible with the republican party is doing. and it is threatening not just to the u.s. economy but the global economy. was what is the current republican demand? or is there a republican demand for increasing the debt limit? no. you would think that maybe they are sayi, oh, can you guys do something to address the bt? can you change something on the spending side? no, there is no demand. it s just, do it by yourself, but do it in a certain way. like i said, it is not based, as far as i can tell, on policy concern. it is purely about making ings as difficult as possible for the democratic party. and pushing the united states to the brink of a devastating default. remember, secretaryyellen noted this as well. even if we get close to a
purchased, right? it is paying your credit card bill for what is already out there. look, he s done that before. is this a purely political move on the part of mitch mcconnell? you know, it is not really. there is sort of i think there are two conversations happening. unfortunately it is not the same conversation. what you see from secretary yellen and secretary paulson and mnuchin and others and senator schumer is this is really important, we need to do it. i don t think you should not interpret nobody should interpret leader mcconnell s statements as sayi ing no, thiss not important, he s talking about the way it should be done. you have a substance conversation and process conversation. no one is disputing the substance. the march covid bill or the $3.5 trillion spending bill where republicans said that is a good idea, we shouldn t do it, they re not saying you shouldn t raise the debt limit. what they re saying is democratsdemocrats have the house, the senate and the white ho
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