Why do i have to be so ashamed . I mean, why cant i just see the truth . I mean, be who i am. Im 35yearsold. Im so afraid to tell people. I mean, just susan im gay 40 Million people watched today. Theres nothing like it. Right . Except maybe the super bowl you talking about straight writers writing a coming out was like this is so cool. And yet this is going to kill this show. Its going to be over. Yes. Like i thought this could be the end of our Careers Elon caught her entire career at stake she could have lost everything. We do not want the gay and lesbian lifestyle paraded in the Living Rooms of americans homes. You would think gay people did not exist. They very rarely showed up on tv. I remember as a young gay kid, being so hungry to see even negative portrayals because it meant that there were other People Like Us and all copulating incurred the wrath of god. We import the most hated part of america somebody die. He was owens coming out episode suddenly tends to the world. Hey, i
Kamala harris, and former president trump are about to come face to face for the very first time tonight. Good evening, i m brett bear. And i m martha mccallum. This is a moment we could not have predicted a few short weeks ago, and the stakes kong be higher for these candidates tonight. The abc presidential debate is moments away, we ll see it live from beginning to end here on fox. A showdown from vicepresident harris and president trump seemed unimaginable, just two months ago. President biden was at the top of the democratic ticket, his stunning debate performance, we saw it here, changed the trajectory of this race. And it has been a roller coaster ever since [ ] if we finally beat medicine car. I don t know what he said, i don t think he know what he said either. A campaign in the making, thrown into disarray. If the lord almighty said joe get out of the race, i d get out of the race, but the lord almighty is not coming down. As the calls to step down, biden persisted. I m deter
Kamala harris. 60 days for the reelection and four days from the debate. If you don t mind mind letting me finish we can have a conversation. What to expect from the first debate between kamala harris and donald trump. Wrong. Wrong. It s been proved over and over again. Reporter: the new york criminal sentencing the latest trump spends the day in another court. If the defendant put his hands on her skirt why doesn t that qualify? the republican nominee s alibi for sexual assault. She would not have been the chosen one, she would not have been the chosen one. The trump vance ticket makes it known, school shootings are a fact of life we need to get over. I don t like this, i don t like that this is a fact of life. But you have to get over it. All in starts right now. Good evening from new york i am chris hayes, we are 60 days out from election day and if you were hoping to see donald trump go to jail before then it s not happening it was never going to happen before the election and it s
All rIght. WelcOme tO hannIty. N N Beaun beautIful harrIsburg pennsylvanIa. HellO, harrIsburl hag. A massIve crOwd. In just a mInute. FOrmer n In a PresIdent Trump wIll jOIn us fOr an hOur. In part, he wIll answer yOur questIOnsl be. ThInk abOut thIs. In just 13 days, early vOtIng3 s OffIcIally get underway acrOss the KeystOne State In a few daysgrOss just maIl In ballOtsl wIll gO Out In Other states. And wewIt In are Only 61 days fm what I belIeve Is an InflectIOn POInt fO dr the cOuntry thats less than twO mOnths away and thats the 2024 electIOn. The race, accOrdIng tO pOlls, I Is clOse In seven states. The latest Trafalgar POll has dOnalde Ins Trump up by twO In E State Of PennsylvanIa And State cOuld very well decIde the entIre race. NatIOnwIde, the Real Clear POlItIcs Average shOws statIstIcally It Is clOse a tIe In thesE States. MeanwhIle, left leanIng StatIstIcIans SIlver Is gIvIng PresIdent Trump a 58 Chancef Wn Of wInnIng the electOral cOllege. That tIn the O a man frOm trump
I wont go to. Hannity and tonight, in just a moment, we will bring you an explosive new report surrounding hunter biden, china and nuclear. John solomon will join us with all these details. Youre not going to get it from the media mob. But first, the ever wonder. Do you ever wonder why your president , joe biden, is is not allowed to answer impromptu questions . Oh, a mystery. Many people want to know. Take a look. My right to take any questions. And anybody here to stay. I very much thought your questions are going to. Come on. Im sorry. Going to just the last question. Ill take an oath that im really going to get in trouble. Im going to get in trouble with staff. I dont do this the right way. Im going to get in trouble with my my staff. Yeah, go ahead. But not pretend that the issue for you guys are bad. Im not supposed to be answering all these questions and supposed to lead. Thank you. And im happy to take questions, if thats who im supposed to do. Nance. Whatever you want me to do