ainsley: we begin this hour with big news in the race for the white house. last night, right here on the fox news channel, south carolina senator tim scott announcing he is suspending his presidential campaign. brian: all right. the now former republican presidential cap democrat says he won t endorse another candidate at this time. steve: peter doocy joins us right now as details as president biden ramps up his campaigning as he hits the road tomorrow, peter? and, senator tim scott will not be moving here in january of 2025. he will not be the trump alternative to republican primary goers and caucus goers. he says that voters have been telling him not now, tim. i go back to iowa, it will not be as a presidential candidate. i am suspending my campaign. steve: who benefits from that? reuters reports in the moments after scott dropped out, two major donors to his campaign told reuters they would switch their support to haley, who like scott, hail hails from the st
why attacking america as an accessory, the victim is an accessory to the crime on 9/11. sharia law in america, is going to defend that? which would suppress rights of women and tread our constitution? has a voice that i think many in the media would say is a very mainstream voice. it is really radical. it is radical to say we overreacted on 9/11. radical to compare protesters of the ground zero mosque to hezbollah and say herz and say hezbollah is more moderate. sean: see this fight at the u.s. open? we thought you were there. you tell me you were going out. i m saying sean is in a fight we to get him out of there. sean: do you think we need another stimulus bill? type in: text it in. we ve got the results coming up after this break. more with our great american
why attacking america as an accessory, the victim is an accessory to the crime on 9/11. sharia law in america, is going to defend that? which would suppress rights of women and tread our constitution? has a voice that i think many in the media would say is a very mainstream voice. it is really radical. it is radical to say we overreacted on 9/11. radical to compare protesters of the ground zero mosque to hezbollah and say herz and say hezbollah is more moderate. sean: see this fight at the u.s. open? we thought you were there. you tell me you were going out. i m saying sean is in a fight we to get him out of there. sean: do you think we need another stimulus bill? type in: text it in. we ve got the results coming up after this break. more with our great american