shake his finger. and megyn kelly is a particular figure of interest in this political cycle because she of course was the one who was the first to really publicly question donald trump about the sexist statements that he s made to women. and they have been hung up about that. they have targeted her again and again, labeled donald trump used his massive platform to label her a bimbo. and then see newt gingrich shake his finger at her saying she s obsessed with something she s clearly not. and she s questioning her ability to cover a story. they have been trying to take her down as a journalist many, many times and it just played out spectacularly last night on fox news. for newt gingrich to accuse megyn kelly as being fascinated by sex. this is a guy on his what, third marriage? cheated on his first two wives and was having an affair when he was impeaching bill clinton. people who live in glass
things that have been put in the news. but trump s own arrogance gets in the way. it is as if he steps on his own tongue regularly. there are a number of things that came out of his so-called policy speech at gettysburg that most of the reporters were saying were really positive things, but the vast majority of the coverage had to do with him basically saying for the first 100 days of my administration, a trump administration i d be going after people who ticked me off. that tells you that he doesn t have the temperament to be president. he doesn t have the temperament to run for president. yeah. if you can t stay focused enough to focus on what people out there actually care about, their own lives, their healthcare, their education for their children, businesses that they can build, if you can t stay focused enough to put that in your speech, you can t be president. you know where sanford, florida is, right? yes. trayvon march ton, george zimmerman, trayvon martin was coming
i dare you. say bill clinton, sexual predator. evangelical women, all of them, clutching pearls. what happened? i mean, newt gingrich had a complete meltdown. i don t know if it s because he doesn t like it when a one stands up to him and speaks her mind. it was very disturbing to watch. again, we ve seen this pattern oe over and over again of republican men sort of bullying these women and yelling over them and talking over them. and, you know, really the irony of newt gingrich bringing up this topic. really. is that why go back to that marie claire article that some of these evangelical women who say i don t have the patience to argue with it at church but i know what i m going to do. when you have newt gingrich, rudy giuliani, chris christie, as the three men telling them what to do. they re taking this attitude toward women like megyn kelly who are incredibly intelligent, incredibly accomplished. once relatable to conservative women and is herself, you know, on
just not a very smart move. thank you, mark preston. i appreciate it. i want to bring in starr jones, president of the professional diversity network. don, i m sorry. i was clutching pearls watching that. i was sitting here going, really, dude? really, newt. what did you make of that? between newt gingrich, guilliani and chris christie, they ve got like the try fek tau of misogyny. then you ve got newt gingrich up here, who didn t he leave his wife while she was dying and married the next wife? give me a break, newt. pot, meet kettle. the strategy for fighting with megyn kelly again and saying bill clinton will be back when he s not on the ballot. you know, first of all bill clinton was an extremely good president, and more importantly the country was in a very good position when he actually walked away, and also the bill clinton was punished for his behavior. everyone for gets that.
newt gingrich was there, speaker of the house. yeah, and doing his own stuff at that time. it is fascinating to me when they like to throw president clinton s behavior in secretary clinton s face. i have never seen anything like it before in my entire career of watching a woman have to defend the behavior of her husband, because she chose to make her marriage work. that is just outrageous. again, it speaks to the seksism and misogyny in this election. listen, i know you ve been out there on the campaign trail with hilary clinton. she has had a strong few weeks, winning all of the debates, but taking blows on obamacare and wikileaks from her staffers, and part of that questioning was part of the questioning from megyn and newt. are you concerned those controversies give trump momentum in the last two weeks? i would be concerned if he knew how to stay on message, if trump knew how to make the most of an argument against secretary clinton by using some of the