>> newt gingrich was there, speaker of the house. >> yeah, and doing his own stuff at that time. it is fascinating to me when they like to throw president clinton's behavior in secretary clinton's face. i have never seen anything like it before in my entire career of watching a woman have to defend the behavior of her husband, because she chose to make her marriage work. that is just outrageous. again, it speaks to the seksism and misogyny in this election. >> listen, i know you've been out there on the campaign trail with hilary clinton. she has had a strong few weeks, winning all of the debates, but taking blows on obamacare and wikileaks from her staffers, and part of that questioning was part of the questioning from megyn and newt. are you concerned those controversies give trump momentum in the last two weeks? >> i would be concerned if he knew how to stay on message, if trump knew how to make the most of an argument against secretary clinton by using some of the