and the irony of that is that that was the whole predicate. arizona had to do this simply because the federal government wasn t doing it. and, governor, the federal government has not, i think you would agree, stepped up to the plate on this particular issue dealing with illegal immigration? well, the reality is that the congress has failed to act on comprehensive immigration reform. well, that s the same thing, right? no. but candy, look, arizona, new mexico, california, texas, in the last two weeks, we ve gotten a substantial more of national guard troops, arizona getting the most. border security has dramatically improved, in my judgment. it s still not sufficient. violence on the border has been reduced a bit, although in arizona and new mexico, we still have serious problems. it s not as if the obama administration hasn t, on the border security side, which is very important to me and to arizona and i m sure to the
we ll see. david axelrod, thank you very much. okay. appreciate it. up next, why the immigration cases in arizona courts this week and next could impact several other states. then a debate about the future of immigration reform with new mexico governor bill richardson and arizona congressman trent franks. sweet & salty nut bars. they re made from whole roasted nuts and dipped in creamy peanut butter, making your craving for a sweet & salty bar irresistible, by nature valley.
project that notion. but the reality is that in rhode island and other states that have essentially the same kind of protocol, and what s more is that in the federal process called 287-g, a program that calls for states and the federal government to work together on these things, essentially arizona has just codified that in state law. it s ironic that with all of the arguments that this is somehow about racial profiling, i think the president of the united states has spoken known falsehoods about this bill because the bill itself, in numerous cases, numerous places, outlaws racial profiling. but there is intent, congressman, there is intent and then there is what actually happens. and the truth is if an arizona policeman pulled me over for speeding, i seriously doubt he would ask me for my papers. but if someone who looked latino was pulled over, i m assuming they would ask for those papers. so isn t the net product to be profiling? no, i don t think so.
completely, those that are trying to come here legally get pushed aside, and it changes everything. but there is another issue here that is always astonishing to me that this administration seems to overlook and that s the national security component. i have legislation in that regard and won t describe it, but let me suggest to you that some day we may face and encourage from some group that comes over our borders with something that changes our world forever. just recently, a hezbollah leader was arrested in tijuana, south of san diego, and i assure you his intentions were not good trying to come over our border. it s astonishing to me when we live in a 9/11 world, the national security component is greater here. i have to take a secondary shot here. when they try to beat up the governor of arizona, governor
doing it. i think the federal government has not stepped up to the plate on this issue dealing with illegal immigration? well, the reality is the congress failed to act on the immigration reform. that s the same thing. no, candy, arizona, new mexico, california, and texas, in the last two weeks we have gotten substantial more of national guard troops. arizona getting the most. border security has dramatically improved in my judgment. it s still not sufficient. violence on the border has been reduced, although in arizona and new mexico, we still have problems. it s not obama has been on the border security side, which is very important to me and to arizona and i am sure to the congressman. the issue is congress needs to appropriate more funds and resources. barring that, you can understand why a state would