The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, or RSS, on Tuesday condemned the terrorist attack on a gurdwara in Afghanistan's Kabul, saying it was an unpardonable crime committed by people plagued with communal frenzy and is unacceptable in a civilised society.
Several blasts ripped through the prominent Gurdwara Karte Parwan in Kabul as worshippers gathered for morning prayers on Saturday, killing two persons, including a Sikh, and injuring seven. The toll could have been higher, but prompt action by security forces thwarted an attempt to drive an explosi
A relative of the Afghan Sikh man, who is among the two persons killed in a terror attack on a gurdwara in Kabul, saidhis brother-in-law was taking a bath when he was fatally shot multiple times.
For Sawinder Singh, Kabul no longer felt home after the Taliban took over the Afghanistan capital last year. He ran a small 'paan' shop there, lived in a gurudwara, but always wanted to come to Delhi where his family lives.
For Sawinder Singh, Kabul no longer felt home after the Taliban took over the Afghanistan capital last year. He ran a small 'paan' shop there, lived in a gurudwara, but always wanted to come to Delhi where his family lives.