50 Simple Money Saving Tips To Get Your New Year Off To A Positive Start As the cost-of-living crisis deepens, many people will be starting the new ye.
then you clearly were mott hit in the head by any falling space debris. congratulations. nasa s satellite came crashing down overnight and nasa doesn t know exactly where it crashed. it did says it re-entered the atmosphere somewhere over the pacific ocean. don t know where it is. if it landed in your yard, you think it s somewhere around, we d love to hear about it. let me show you the video of it coming down. this comes to us from our affiliate in san antonio, texas. you see that dot. yes, we ve been building up for the past week to this satellite crashing to bring you a dot. that s supposedly a piece of the space debris there or it could be somebody playing with a flashlight in a tree in the distance. we didn t know where, from the u.s., hawaii, philippines, new zealand, everybody claims to have seen this come down. dots can be compelling. it is true. i was compelled and i m compelled to show you video that might be more spectacular, this from the great state of hawaii.