stance when his policies are bad for americans. we will get the reality check americans paid 50% more for their thanksgiving turkeys. and joe? all right, all right listen. aoc a message. alright, alright all right, listen, listen, okay. the clips from this week we think should be used as a big reminder. but first, president biden is arresting a possible reelection bid in 2024. his delayed response has everyone and i mean everyone talking about the real truth behind his answer, watch. the region i am not making about judgment formally running or not running the reason i make that judgment a whole series of regulations kick in. i have to treat myself as a candidate from that moment on. i have not made that formal decision but it is my intention. my intention to run again. we have time to make that decision. doctor biden is for? mr. president? or doctor biden my wife thanks that that i that we are doing coming very important. and i should not walk away from
tonight more problems for the president. and jimmy. in the country here s what happens in some of our favorite tunes. a big saturday show is swapping out some lyrics coming up. but first the left of melted down when elon musk made his 44 billion-dollar offer to buy twitter. remember this? the thing is the enjoyment they get out of being in this town square is being able to harass people. elon musk i guess he misses the old south africa and the 80s. he wants that back. it seems to me that it is about free speech of straight white men. so let them have it. you do not have to be transparent you could secretly ban one party s candidate or all of its candidates. or turn down the reach of their stuff. the rest of us might not even found out about it until after the election. delta billionaires determining the deal because twitter misled him he says, the media s melting down again. and so are some twitter employees. one worker telling nbc news quote it feels like
things are spinning your saturday with his big big news week we get to together today and tomorrow. were so happy is tired of the boxes we are together again. it s what s on tap tonight joey take it away pickwick growing number of migrants being arrested on the government terrorist watch list this is note joke is binds border crisis goes up in smoke pickwick cannot wait to get to that katy pickwick supreme court is surrounded of the nation awaits a decision affecting abortion rights that could come any day. leo per. china may be accessing your data on the popular social media cap tiktok. let s stop people from using it? first you gotta get to this. flight cancellations causing major headaches for travelers out there again. staffing shortages and bad weather forced many airlines to ground flights. so far today, a whopping 2400 flights have been canceled but meanwhile many americans still struggling to afford food. the basics and prices at the store keep climbing. do not
mother it means a lot to a lot of people. you cannot take it away we earn nets. we wear a badge of honor for what we went through. and people right there with your people own hallmark stores can you imagine that up and that whole store questioner. it s a whole they were not changing mother s day do not take that away from us. birthing person sunday. big saturday flaps are next. don t go anywhere. sorry i m late! dude, dude, dude. oh boy. your cousin.from boston. [whiff] [water splashes] is it on the green? [goose squawks] i was just looking for my ball. 19th hole, sam adams summer ale. [goose squawks] (here you go.) (cheers guys!)
welcome back to the big saturday show . it is time now for big saturday flaps. our picks for the biggest veils of the week. the army, this was mine. keeping it on brand look at the military for the army s going to cut paper more than 60000 national guard members and reservists after they refused to take the covid vaccination. listen guys, i interviewed dan crenshaw about this this morning for the way i look at it there s a certain good order pretty got to follow orders us a controversial vaccine. it is just bad leadership to keep this controversy going the way they are. you whites also upsetting? a lot of companies have remove the vaccine manages a majority of over 90% of already had covid. they have a level of natural impunity which is equivalent at this point to the vaccine people took a year ago. makes no sense. that s a very dangerous