or assuming it s a crash, we don t know where the plane is. we don t have all the answers in terms of the plane itself. what other information, clues, might investigators be taking a look at or considering at this point in the investigation? well in the case of mh-370 there were a whole other set of data that turned up meaning primary military returns and later these satellite communications pings. now this plane did not have satellite communication systems. that s not going help us. also was not using an a card system. in this case we have a much smaller set of potential data to look at. we have to go out and find the range. it s not a huge area. not the middle of the atlantic or middle of the indian ocean. shouldn t be that hard. we heard recently people were speculating it s at the bottom of the ocean. no reason to think this plane landed in one piece. i don t know why they said that. usually in the ocean it breaks up.