The ED on Thursday said that they have attached movable as well as immovable assets valued at Rs 11.35 crore belonging to Odisha Police Housing & Welfare Corporation's (OPHWC) former deputy manager Pratap Kumar Samal, his wife Sasmita Samal .
Bhubaneswar citizens laud doorstep sample collection, pick-&-drop facility
We will inform our relatives in this age bracket to avail this service whenever they require it,’’ said Sasmita.
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BHUBANESWAR: Amid surge in Covid-19 cases in the State Capital, Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC)’s doorstep RT-PCR sample collection initiative for senior citizens and expectant mothers, and pick-and-drop facility for elderly people have received appreciation from the beneficiaries.
The civic body had launched the initiatives earlier this week. While the civic body has so far collected swab samples from more than 600 residents including 519 senior citizens, around 100 elderly people have availed the pick-and-drop service. In order to avail the services, beneficiaries are required to dial the 1929 Covid helpline.