whwhat causes s a curve downwn there? is it t peyronie s s disease? will i it get worsrse? how commonon is it? whwho can i tatalk to? can thisis be treateted? stop typining. starart talking g to a specialilized urologogist. becaususe it couldld be peyryronie s disisease, or. itit s a medicical condititn where therere is a cururve in t the erectioion, causey a formrmation of s scar tiss. and an e estimated 1 1 in 10n may haveve it. but pdpd can be trtreated eveven withoutut surgery.. sasay goodbyee to searcrching onlinine. find a spepecialized u urolot who o can diagnonose pd anand build a a treatmentt plplan with yoyou. visit t makeapdplalan.com to. norah: finally, tonight, you could say there are a billion reasons to be excited about tonight s powerball drawing. it is just the third time in powerball history that the jackpot has topped the billion-dollar mark.