iconic building in the world. it is embarrassing to a certain point. jericka: shocking allegations, prosecutors suggest the man arrested near weapons and ammunition got the address from president trump s social media platform. storms will be popping off all day and even into overnight. we are talking flooding, large hail, damaging winds. in the northeast we will be 5-10 degrees above average. jericka: the suspect in philadelphia s july 4th shooting in court today as the country reels from a wave of gun violence. you will not get away with this. i want whoever you are to pay. a growing number of shark attacks has some of the country s most popular beach destinations are putting swimmers on high alert. shark bites reported in two days off of long island beaches. it s nice to have some financial freedom. jericka: help wanted from teens whose paychecks are up nearly 12 percent for those summer jobs. we are now competing with supermarkets. we ar
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