India News: Explore 16 key themes from Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Ayodhya speech, ranging from forgiveness to the dawn of a new era. Gain insights into the historic consecration ceremony and the significance of the Ram Lalla idol's new abode in the splendidly constructed temple.
by anil swamy world constantly at war makes each and every global citizen ponder why can’t we live peacefully. at least we bharteeya know the pain, as our country had been plundered and looted by marauders fo
by dr bhushan kumar upadhyaya indian culture is one of the oldest surviving cultures of the
world. in his famous poetry the
urdu poet iqbal has summarised it
as kuccha bata hai ki hasti mitati
nahi hamari there is
'158 Dalits and 28 Adivasis are attacked daily in our country. 28,545 crimes were committed against senior citizens and 2,878 children were trafficked in 2022'