Present. Supervisor ronen. Present. Supervisor safai. Present. Supervisor stefani. Present. Supervisor walton. Present. Mr. President , all are present. Thank you. The San Francisco board of supervisors acknowledges we are on the unceded home land of the Ramaytush Ohlone the original inhabitants of the pel anyone slachlt as stewards of this land and with their trgdzs. The Ramaytush Ohlone never cd, lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as care takers of this place and for all who reside in their traditional territory we benefit from living and wing on their home land. We acknowledge then cestors and irrelevant tifs of the recommend recommend community and affirming their rights as first peoples. Join me in the pledge. [pledge of allegiance] do you have announcements . The board of supervisors away the public to attend this meeting in person here in the legislative chamber. Room 250 in city hall. To participate remote this meeting is live on sfgovtv channel 26 or the live stream at
President and item 4 for the president s report want to take a moment of silence in recognition of the loss of extraordinary life, career and Public Service of senator diane feinstei wanted to acknowledge the role this she and her office through her played in ensuring the success of the Housing Authority. Throughout the pursuit rad. Rehad been dollars supported our residents. And of course her legacy around the violence this affects the lives of so many in our communities. She was an advocate for gun control in the country. We had many strong and fierce integrity around that issue. Her support of the lbgtq communities during the heist hiv pandemic when so many ignored the issue says she would not and could not and helped support our communities during this time. And in the latino and immigrant communities her support standing against the racist groundses of prop 187 in the 90s had it was alet to her election was something had we in the communities will not ever forget. May our condolen
Blessings to all my relatives. My name is Mary Travis Allen and im the advisor board president for the American Indian cultural district, as well as a member of Mission Destino and other committees and councils here in San Francisco. So i am ariana ortega, peace people of nicaragua. From my mothers side and the seneca nation on my fathers side. I was born and raised here in San Francisco and retired in 2020 from a senior manager position with the sfmta to after 32 years of service. But as i mentioned and what im doing now is important work that i am many of you are doing on behalf of our community is that work is never done and should be reflected in all the work you do and all aspects of your lives. We are brought together by our ancestors is to fulfill the prophecy of the eagle and the condor. The prophecy tells of this time when the Indigenous Peoples of the north and the south earth would reunite to renew you and protect our original knowledge, strength and connection to our earth.
My name is robby silver and im the executive director of the downtown Sf Partnership. Wore the Community Benefit district that serves the financial district and Jackson Square doing everything we can to create a more vibrant downtown to support economic recovery and the growth of San Francisco. Were thrilled to experience todays moment with all of you and if officially welcome to sf newest social destination and the start of a reimagine downtown. Just over a year ago, we set out to reimagine the downtown San Franciscos potential in tandem with studio, we released our action plan. It is 143page document that leans into urban design and as a means of economic recovery. The plan was suppose to start actionable change which has lead us here today. A moment a year in the making and countless partners and critical voice sxz times in community effort, wore opening landing at lat us store. The First Program is part of our action plan to usher in a new era of change for downtown. The fact that
Financial district and Jackson Square doing everything we can to create a more vibrant downtown to support economic recovery and the growth of San Francisco. Were thrilled to experience todays moment with all of you and if officially welcome to sf newest social destination and the start of a reimagine downtown. Just over a year ago, we set out to reimagine the downtown San Franciscos potential in tandem with studio, we released our action plan. It is 143page document that leans into urban design and as a means of economic recovery. The plan was suppose to start actionable change which has lead us here today. A moment a year in the making and countless partners and critical voice sxz times in community effort, wore opening landing at lat us store. The First Program is part of our action plan to usher in a new era of change for downtown. The fact that we are standing here on very old barbari coast is a testament of how far weve come as a city by the bay and the further that well go. But