ALIGARH : Syedna Taher Saifuddin School (Minto Circle), Aligarh Muslim University organized an inter-school debate competition in English and Hindi as part of the Republic Day celebrations. The topic for the debate in English was: “Expanded us
ALIGARH : The S.T.S. School (Minto Circle), Aligarh Muslim University organized an inter-school debate competition under the Sir Syed Day celebrations, with the participants expressing their views for an against the motion, "Technology is making us
ALIGARH : The Department of English, Aligarh Muslim University organized a two-day National Seminar on “Indian English Poetry: Toru Dutt to Vanavil K. Ravi” with the objective to explore the genealogy of Indian Poetry written in English.In his
Aligarh : The Department of English, Aligarh Muslim University, in an attempt to celebrate and honour Indian English poetry and poets, beginning from Toru Dutt to Vanavil K Ravi, is organising a two-day national conference on May 1-2, 2023 at t