and mr. santorum, does it in terms i m not talking about obamacare, but just on other legislative things in the future, resentment, concern about other soirenators that th president didn t have their back. does have any ripple effect. i don t think any senator watching donald trump expects him to have their back if they cross him. i think that is pretty evident, that it is an every man for himself when testimonies cou o the president. and disagreements with him. look, i think the most important thing the president is doing here is trying to refocus and mitch mcconnell said we re moving on to tax reform and i could tell you, the president doesn t want to move on to tax reform. he wants to get a bill done. and i think that is really i understand there may be all of the other things going on, but this president understands how important this is. i know members of congress and i m hearing from them who are back home who are hearing it
that. with our panel tonight joining us, former republican presidential candidate santorum, and former cia officer bob bear and matthew whitker. jeff, what s your reaction to what jay said? i think what s interesting is how the subject matter has changed. for months the president and everyone involved in the campaign was saying this whole subject was ridiculous. there were no contacts between thecome pain and the russians. now we know this meeting took place. now it s no illegality. and he s saying there s no illegality. he may be right, he may be wrong. but they are moving the defense lines back. and we ll see if there s no illegality. it is true it is not 100% clear
that we have an icbm that can reach alaska and potentially a, looking at the progress they re making, california, that changes the whole game here, and we have to start involving the world to say that, you know, having a buffer to south korea is all well and good but this isn t just a buffer anymore. this is a threat. this is a threat to skpus we have to start treating it differently. yep. ron, before i let you go, tell me about fault liones, your new column. i m very happy to be writing on cnn, starting a new column every week which essentially explores ow demographic, economic, and cultural change are changing the political landscape and how parties are responding to that change and it essentially, i think, is going to be a look at politics from the outside in, at the way the changes in our society are changing the political competition. keep coming on and keep talking. but keep that writing up as well. we love hearing from you, ron and senator santorum, thank you so much. co
overshadowed by the attack in syria, and mr. putin coming to syria s defense. so of course there will be explanations. i think it is a very important signal that in my view, i am an outside, a russian citizen, it is nothing for me to say to the u.s. administration but i would say it is very important for us as citizens of russia to see that the and u.s. the u.s. administration is willing to engage in dialogue with russian society as well as vladimir putin s regime. and if the u.s. administration really wants to build a long term relationship with russia, based on trust, as we ve just heard in those remarks few minutes ago. the only relationship based on santorum can be with the united states and russian society. not just with mr. putin s regime. and i think there should be more contact and more engagement
middle of the speech, and a lot of the speech was, i think, you could have heard it on the stump a year ago, and it was rehashed talking points from his inauguration as well and ended with the whole idea of making america great again and safe again. there have been, i think, people concerned about whether or not he s in the weeds on this and whether he is all in on this, and you heard early on, paul ryan last week say he s in there and twisting arms and trying to make deals and we will see if that works. i think it was significant that mitch mcconnell got booed yesterday. that s exhibit a about trump s power versus these other folks. the other big story we are following this morning, the supreme court nominee, neil gorsuch will start answering questions from senators, republicans and democrats. a half hour for each senator to ask a question, and gorsuch will