The Delhi High Court on Friday issued a notice to the Fire Service, Police and Municipal Corporation of Delhi in the Mukherjee Nagar fire incident, which took place after a fire broke out at the Sanskriti Coaching Centre.A vacation bench of .
The fire broke out at 12 pm today at Sanskriti Coaching Centre. Eleven fire tenders were pressed into service as students were seen using wires to escape the building.
In viral videos, the students could be seen smashing window panes on the top floor of the three-storey building and climbing down using ropes, wires and ladders in a desperate bid to save their lives.Delh
Several students of a private coaching institute in Delhi's Mukherjee Nagar area had a miraculous escape on Thursday after a fire broke out on the top floor of the building housing it.In viral videos, the students could be seen smashing window .