Sanjay has previously refuted rumors about his foray into politics. In 2019, there were reports of him being invited to join Rashtriya Samaj Paksha. - Sanjay Dutt Shuts Down Talk of Political Career, Says If I Decide to Step.
This isn t the first time that Sanjay has dismissed rumours of his entry into politics. In 2019, he was reportedly asked to join Rashtriya Samaj Paksha. | Bollywood
Reacting to news reports and speculations on social media, Bollywood actor Sany Dutt has tweeted that he is not joining any political party or contesting elections.
Sanjay Dutt on Monday clarified he would not be joining any political party. State Minister Mahadev Jankar had claimed that Sanjay Dutt would join his party on September 25.