Women's groups have petitioned the Delhi High Court to close a legal loophole and criminalize marital rape. A decision is expected soon. Men who oppose the petitions have gone on a "marriage strike."
Women's groups have petitioned the Delhi High Court to close a legal loophole and criminalize marital rape. A decision is expected soon. Men who oppose the petitions have gone on a "marriage strike."
Women's groups have petitioned the Delhi High Court to close a legal loophole and criminalize marital rape. A decision is expected soon. Men who oppose the petitions have gone on a "marriage strike."
Women's groups have petitioned the Delhi High Court to close a legal loophole and criminalize marital rape. A decision is expected soon. Men who oppose the petitions have gone on a "marriage strike."
MUMBAI – Over the decades, Chitra Awasthi has counseled thousands of Indian women. Many of them are rape victims. But there's one woman whose story