york. new york city council says it doesn t do the constituents any good if so much of that sandy aid isn t doing any good for them. councilman, how do you feel about what they are kicking around? $16 billion in future spending, that s not emergency aiding, that s not helping anyone on the ground. it is increasing our national debt n. 2009, when president obottomma was running you know, running around the country talking about we can t mortgage our future, we can t have the credit card mentality of george bush where you are giving chine at credit card and walking away and putting the debt on our kids. now all of a sudden, it s okay to do it. there is emergency relief and then there are general fund issues. the fact is, we talk about $12 to $16 billion that won t be spent now, talking about the remediation effort. alaska fisheries. that s still in there. future spenning,