The decision of Tamil Nadu Governor R. N. Ravi, in withholding assent to certain bills in THE state, has received full support from constitutional experts and academicians."The utmost duty of the Governor is to uphold the Constitution. .
The Tamil Nadu Governor R. N. Ravi has not given assent to the Tamil Nadu Prohibition of Online Gaming and Regulation of Online Games Bill, 2022 among a host of legislations.The contentious Gaming bill has been silent on how to control the .
As the issue around online rummy becomes a highly political issue in Tamil Nadu, two independent studies have found that suicides in the state in the last one year attributed to playing of online rummy are highly exaggerated.A study by The .
A study by The Rotary Rainbow Project of Chennai working closely with the families of suicide victims, have found at least two instances of online deaths attrbuted to online rummy to be false. They
There is no direct relation between suicide and online gaming, a leading Indian psychiatrist has told the Tamil Nadu government through a detailed representation.Dr Sandip H. Shah, Professor of Psychiatry and Dean, Government Medical College, .