Our borders from other transnational threats, our operation is based on layered security where we attempt and i have described earlier some of the partnerships that we have with regard to Port Security to inspect port facilities for their security regime overseas. With regard to specifically the source and transit zone for narcotics we also have significant partnerships with countries in south and Central America that allow us to board their flag vessels on the high seas, recognizing that many of the nations dont have robust coast guards or navies with the kind of off shore capability that we have. So those partnerships allow us to detect and interdict drug shipments far off shore. In the case of one interdiction i made, over a thousand miles west of the galapagos islands, with drugs destined for mexico and then ultimate i will for the United States. So we use using our long range aircraft and cutters and detection monitoring capability of the department of defense and other partners w
Devices to alert the team to the prejudic presence of radiation. In 2004 we developed a maritime Radiation Detection program and maintain a close relationship to standardize the equipment and enhance the National Capacity for detection with multiple levels of capability including the ability to reach back to scientific experts for more information. We do this in conjunction with cbp and with tsas visible intermodal response. Many of our units including our coastwide sectors and our Deployable Specialized forces and our major cutters are equipped with the devices that can identify specific isotopes distinguished between manmade and Natural Sources and reach back for assistance. Specifically our Maritime Security Response Team or msrt provides the nation with the unique maritime capability for Nuclear Detection, identification, selfdecontamination and routine or hostile situations. The msrt is specifically designed and exercised to integrate with other inner agency or dod response forces
That hawkish image that he wished cheney had not had as much influence. Dick cheney should have had his own state department. All that and more on tonights pbs newshour. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by and by bnsf railway. And by the alfred p. Sloan foundation. Supporting science, technology, and improved Economic Performance and Financial Literacy in the 21st century. Carnegie corporation of new york. A foundation created to do what Andrew Carnegie called real and permanent good. At carnegie. Org. And with the ongoing support of these institutions this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Sreenivasan the crash of a russian jetliner in egypt morphed into an international dispute today, on whether a bomb was behind it. All 224 people on board were killed when the plane broke up saturday, just 23 minutes after taking off from Sharm Elsheikh. Now, the leaders
Vote vote the presiding officer are there any senators in the chamber wishing to change their votes . If not, the ayes are 89, the nays are 11, and the motion is agreed to. Under the previous order, h. Con. Res. 121 and h. Con. Res. 123 are considered and agreed to en bloc and the motions to reconsider are considered made and laid upon the table en bloc. The republican leader. Mr. Mcconnell could we have attention the attention of the senate. The presiding officer the senate will be in order. Mr. Mcconnell i want to take just a moment to speak on something that is an overwhelming bipartisan desire to achieve and this is to finish tonight. And theres no good reason not to. Were working to clear an agreement on our side to process the c. R. omnibus, the extenders bill, and tria tonight. Tonight. And as for right now, i can tell you were prepared to go forward on the extenders bill and therefore i would ask unanimous consent at the time determined by the majority leader after consultation
For representative government. When people at the bottom of the economic ladder feel that the government is not helping them, and in fact may be stacked against them, they will cease to vote or they will turn to the siren song of extreme elements in our society. History proves this to be true. Now, i dont have a cookie cutter answer or solution, but it must include more fair tax laws and trade laws, more job training and restraining, rebuilding our physical infrastructure and manufacturing. And i believe it must include some things seemingly unrelated like quality, free Early Education for every child in america. The answer to closing the inequality gap must include rebuilding labor unions and collective bargaining. If you trace the line over the last 40 years of the growing economic quality in america and also put that over another line showing the loss in the number of union workers, they are almost identical. I do not believe it is a stretch to say that organized labor, unions, buil